Seconds City is a unique place to shop and to consign your unwanted items. Our process of dropping prices every single day makes the shopping process fun and you'll save significant money on all of the products your want. We lower the price on nearly every item in the store by 1% every single day. That means more than just a big discount, it could mean you get your favorite item fo free! We give away items every day and even if it's not free, you may get it for 25%, 50%, 75% or even 95% off! Stop in and see the wide selection and find things that you just can't live without.
We want your unused or unwanted items. Bring them in and clean out your home. You can even make a little money on those items you just have sitting around your house. Our unique donation system also allows you to get the most for your item by donating the profits to one of over 50 different charities. Call today to find out more.
It's easy to donate your share of the sale to a local or national charity. We work with over 50 charities and you will get a donation receipt for the full value of the item you consign. If you choose the donation method, the charity will receive your share of the sale when the item sells and you will get a reciept directly from the charity thanking you for your donation. It's a great way to help others and save a little on your taxes.
Ask our consignment specialist for a list of charities you can help with your donation. We handle the whole process for you to make it easy. If you want to donate, just let us know when we setup the consignment with you and your donation will automatically go to your charity!